Saturday, August 10, 2013

First Saturday

Well, hello! And Happy Saturday! Also known a weigh in day for me.

I always weigh myself first thing in the AM. I feel this gives me the best true weight. I haven't had any food or drink since the previous night and it just works for me. So, this morning was weigh in day. I lost this week (hooray!) 1.6lbs which gives me a total loss of 15.9lbs. I'm feeling pretty good! I would say the best feeling is I don't feel so gross anymore. I have more energy, I look forward to going on my walks with by little one and I'm encouraged with my continued loss.

I think I should mention that this time around doing Weight Watchers, I'm trying to do it as naturally as possible. I try my hardest not to use "light" or "low fat" things because I know that they aren't really that good for you. I would much rather spend 5 points on a whole milk yogurt that is all natural than 3 on a "light" version with all sort of weird things in it. I think this is best practice for me and my family as this time. I want to raise my children eating real food not chemicals. I try to make every meal at home except for 1 night a week we tend to go out to dinner. Most of the time we go to a local place that serves all local food, so it's still the concept I like to stick to, but of course not everything I do is perfect, and there are the times my husband or I just really want a chicken sandwich from Chick-Fil-A ;-)

The hardest thing this week was going out to dinner. The restaurant we went to was in the WW list, so I was able to find out exactly how many points I was eating...BUT it didn't leave me satisfied AT ALL. Both my husband and I left and we were both still hungry. FYI- My husband is very, very in shape. He has never and will never need to go on a diet, if anything he worries about being too him still feeling hungry isn't because he's a chunker and/or overeater. Obviously I have my weekly allowance that I was able to use to have something additional to feel satisfied but it was still such a bummer and stressor for me. Thankfully, I didn't use that stress and eat something horrible, instead I came home and had a little peanut butter on pita with some fruit. I knew the peanut butter protein would help fill my tummy and the fruit would also help satisfy the pit in my stomach.

A positive this week was using my Polar Watch it really helps to know how intense my workouts are. It also lets me know the optimal heart rate for my body. This little watch has been such a motivator. If I see my heart rate go down, I pick up my pace or if I see how many calories I'm burning and I think "That's all!?!?" I kick my butt into high gear. I had a struggle with the band you wear around your chest, but I think I solved the problem and it's been happy workouts since.

Some of my favorite meals/snacks this week:

Peanut Butter on Pita: I mentioned this above and it is such a great snack for me. I get this mini pita's at the grocery store (Wegman's brand) and just put 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on the little pita. If I need a sweet to go with my salty, I add a tiny bit of honey and it's oh so good.

Open Faced Cheeseburger: I'm currently buying the grass-fed organic beef from Wegmans, so it's very lean (I think 93%?) but still very flavorful. I always use sandwich thins for my bread and just use 1/2 a thin as a base for my burger. It works out great and I feel I can still provide the "man meal" of burgers for my husband but it's also pretty healthy for me. I had this twice this week and both times I had veggies on the side. Either roasted summer squash or asparagus..we love them both and it's a good summer meal for us.

Almonds: Almonds are 6 points plus for 1/4 cup, which is pretty high for such a small amount, but I always make sure to have 1/4 cup when I'm going out. The 6 points are worth a healthy snack to me when I am on the go. I often go grocery shopping after I exercise and it's very nice to know I have a snack for after my workout. It just helps keep me from stopping for a filler somewhere. Again, 6 points not be worth it to everyone but it's worked out well for me so far.

Yogurt: I think yogurt will forever be on my list of favorite snacks. Mmm. I love yogurt. Lately I've been having Brown Cow brand and my favorite is Maple flavored. It gives me that sweetness that I love. Thank you, Brown Cow. Like I've said, all the yogurt I eat is whole milk, so one yogurt is 5 points plus, but that is what I chose for my yogurts.

I've wanted to add some pictures, but I realized that I never get my picture taken! HAHA I guess I need to change that so that I can see the difference in myself. Also, I want to try to take pictures of what I'm eating so I can share that as well.

Have a good week!

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